Asparagus Piss Raindrop

Saturday April 12 18:00 "Trans Poncho in Posse" (WP)
Introduction of a three hours long performance
Saturday April 12 20:30 "Trans Poncho in Posse"
Asparagus Piss Raindrop is a crypto-conceptual science-fiction anti-band formed from a dreadful, ever expanding pool of improviser / composer / performers. The group's black metal yoga composition Dream Within a Dream: last night we died in a plane crash was performed at the Tectonics Glasgow Festival and occupied multiple parts of Glasgow’s City Halls simultaneously, consecutively and horribly.
Their new work is a bacterial composition for CPU dust and amplified glands that will synthetically fuse the performers with the asophogeal node points of Harpa concert hall; choking the building in an erotic tour de farce. Neil Davidson, Julia Scott, Fritz Welch, Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson & Michael Duch