Gyða Valtýsdóttir

Charlie Chaplin final speech in The Great Dictator
Gyða Valtýsdóttir, a funambulist between contradictions, holding hands with both sides of the moon,
a wild verdure who found its way through the labyrinth of higher education
& double mastered from the academy of classical music in switzerland,
a feathered fledgling who dives among the abyssal luminescence,
an asymmetrical geometry,
an organized chaos,
a target missed perfectly.
Touch Done
"It is a poor sort of a memory that only works backward" said Carroll´s White Queen
A star in the sky is a long gone ghost, a fingermark lightyears away
We are all cells on earth´s fingermark seen lightyears ahead
Every touch given creates our future which is an inverted past of every touch done
Memory is seen a solid reality, future a gaseous one
it all meets in this touch
gone by an Augenblick
feel it, be in it
and so the
spirals go both ways,
you can climb or you can fall